(Mature Size: 20"T x 48"W)
- Hosta 'Pizzazz' emerges blue in spring with a bright gold margin.
- By mid-summer the leaves are blue-green with a creamy white margin.
- The margin often streaks towards the midrib.
- Rounded leaves have a very distinct tip that just barely sticks out like a bobtail.
- Corrugated and cupped foliage offer a unique unruly appearance.
- Thick leaves for good slug resistance.
- A mature specimen is quite breathtaking.
- When we first started in this business this hosta was our best seller.
- Heavy masses of white flowers appear in mid to late summer.
Why Should I Grow It? Attractive unruly foliage.
(K. Vaughn/P. Aden/AHS 1986)
Large Hosta Cultivar
Color: Blue and Cream
Size: 20 inches tall by 48 inches wide
Type: Large Slug Resistance Hosta
Product Size: 4.5 Inch Container